10 Tips To Make Smalland Easy

You love to play the Smalland very much but sometimes find it difficult. You don’t need to be worried anymore since this guide will provide you with 10 tips that will make it very easy for you to play the game.

Tip Number One

When you start that game, you will find so many trees on the map resembling this one.

There will be a huge tree near the point you start from and you can declare it as your base when you reach its top.

Tip Number Two

Remember that you don’t need to work hard every time you go up to the top of this tree and come down from it once you have reached the top. You will find a hot air balloon that will become a means of your travel whether you want to go up or come down.

Tip Number Three

You cannot just create your base here but also transfer it to the other trees. Several payers experienced that the things you have kept out of your base on the top of the tree cannot be transferred, for instance, your fireplace.

Tip Number Four

Make sure to cook food at the campfire, since cooking is way easier than running in search of food, discovering and eating it finally. If you have difficulty finding food, you should thrash a few ants. You can find and cook this food very easily utilizing the fire. You will get your health restored by 30%. But it is still great since you may have the ants in great numbers.

Tip Number Five

After some time, you will have Cauldron and you will have all the more things that can restore your health tremendously. Even it buffs such as cold protection and similar stuff.

Tip Number Six

There is another thing you must know about when you harvest anything out of the ground. You will automatically pick everything if you hold F, instead of clicking. It will make it very easy for you, particularly at night when you cannot see. It becomes even great when you harvest huge things.

Tip Number Seven

You will find a clockwise day and night cycle if you move forward through your map. You may create small markers and can outrun them for a great section of fibre.

Tip Number Eight

You can quickly travel back to your base from wherever you are on the map. You need to quit the menu, restart the game, and you will start from the bed you slept on the last time.

Tip Number Nine

You can turn peace now and then. Such as, if you are making two levels, the tip for worlds is to turn the peace on and off if you get tired anytime in the game. If you play solo, it is a great note for you.

Tip Number Ten

You may have a covered bed sometimes if you are stuck in huge storms or heavy rains. You must have some items to create a covered bed since it lets you safely run out of the storm and sleep without trouble, even if anything like this is coming toward you. You will not be worried when you have a covered bed.


So, these tips will be greatly helpful to you throughout the game, and you will surely enjoy playing the game following these tips.