Shibuya Scramble is a fully voiced visual novel adventure game located in Tokyo’s core. Players play one of five distinct characters, each with their plot and motivations. Time passes as the tale progresses—explore areas, make decisions, and solve puzzles to advance the plot and keep all five alive!
How to Restore PS4 Save file
To restore PS4 save files using a USB flash Drive or Playstation plus account, you’d need to follow these steps:
Using Playstation Plus Account:
- Firstly, go to Settings, then open Application saved data management.
- Then open “Save data in Online Storage”, after that go to “Download to System Storage”
- Then, select the game files that you’d like to download, and the game files will be restored.
Using USB Flash Drive:
- Firstly, go to Settings, then open Application saved data management.
- Then open “Saved data on USB Storage Device”, after that go to “Copy to System Storage”
- Then, select the game files that you’d like to copy to your PS4 Storage, and the game files will be restored.
Download Save File (US):
In this save file, the game is 100% completed and it is for the US version. The file was saved after getting the platinum trophy.
Download Save File (EU):
The game is 100% completed in this save file. It was saved after getting all the trophies. This file is for the US version.