How to Make a Stealth Archer God Build in Skyrim - Part 1

God I love this game.

Free Sneak experience.

Pick up armor for selling.

Equip a set for yourself.

Punch cat until you get a bow.

Well the build is already pretty broken.

You have to collect 20 Mora Tapinella from the area around Riverwood.

Thief stone for faster leveling.

Continue to collect the good stuff.

In Riverwood, you need to help Faendal.

Back on the road.

20 shouldn't be too hard to find.

Up to whiterun.

And into the Drunken Huntsman.

With the Anniversary edition content installed, pick up the battle of champions.

Uber it to Solitude.

Charming city.

Don't mind me.

You saw nothing.

Sell off some armor, make sure to keep the Imperial set you have equipped.

Then into castle Dour.

Talk to the Legate.

With Imperial armor equipped, you won't have to pass a speech check.

Unlock the chest for some broken early armor.

Over to Windhelm.

Grab some snowberries.

And 12 Creep cluster along the road to the south.

From the Windhelm Docks, get the boat to Solstheim.

Head into the temple anf ignore this guy.