Anime Journey Codes (Updated)

Anime Journey is a 2D fighting game where you level up, play as your favorite anime characters, and create your own hero. Customize your character to fit your play style and explore a world where all your favorite characters come together to fight for their own reasons.

Active Codes

40K_LIKESUse it to get an exclusive reward.
60K_FAVSUse it to get an exclusive reward.
KELVINGTSUse it to get an exclusive reward.
LEADERBOARDSUse it to get an exclusive reward.
LELYGAMERUse it to get an exclusive reward.
OGVEXXUse it to get an exclusive reward.

Expired Codes

10KLIKESUse it to get an exclusive reward.
15KDISCUse it to get an exclusive reward.
15KLIKESUse it to get an exclusive reward.
20KDISCUse it to get an exclusive reward.
20KLIKESUse it to get an exclusive reward.
25KDISCUse it to get an exclusive reward.
25KLIKESUse it to get an exclusive reward.
2kplayersUse it to get an exclusive reward.
2MVISITSUse it to get an exclusive reward.
30K_LIKESUse it to get an exclusive reward.
35K_LIKESUse it to get an exclusive reward.
40KFAVSUse it to get an exclusive reward.
5KLIKESUse it to get an exclusive reward.
7.5KLIKESUse it to get an exclusive reward.
AtlasZeroUse it to get an exclusive reward.
BLACKCLOVERUse it to get an exclusive reward.
BOKUNOHEROUse it to get an exclusive reward.
BUGFIX_UPDATEUse it to get an exclusive reward.
BUGFIXINGUse it to get an exclusive reward.
Central_NerdUse it to get an exclusive reward.
EXP_BOOSTUse it to get an exclusive reward.
GEMSUse it to get an exclusive reward.
LEGENDARYUse it to get an exclusive reward.
lely_scUse it to get an exclusive reward.
LITTLE_UPDATEUse it to get an exclusive reward.
LITTLE_UPDATE2Use it to get an exclusive reward.
LITTLE_UPDATE3Use it to get an exclusive reward.
LucasBestDevUse it to get an exclusive reward.
MORESPINUse it to get an exclusive reward.
MYHEROACADEMIAUse it to get an exclusive reward.
NARUTOUse it to get an exclusive reward.
NEWUPDATEUse it to get an exclusive reward.
ONEPIECEUse it to get an exclusive reward.
RE-BALANCEUse it to get an exclusive reward.
RELEASEUse it to get an exclusive reward.
RESETSTATSUse it to get an exclusive reward.
RESETSTATS2Use it to get an exclusive reward.
SorryForShutsUse it to get an exclusive reward.
SPINFOREVERYONEUse it to get an exclusive reward.
SRYGUYSUse it to get an exclusive reward.
THANKSUse it to get an exclusive reward.
TigreTVUse it to get an exclusive reward.

How to Redeem Codes in Anime Journey?

To redeem the codes in Anime Journey, you will need to start the game and tap on the Twitter button. After that, input the code in the text box and hit ‘Redeem’ to get your desired rewards.