Another Shadow Walkthrough (Including Secret Ending)

Bastian and Carissa have been living together for 5 years without any strange inconvenience. But since Bastian’s last birthday, they have been experiencing paranormal occurrences. It seems that an ancient curse from the past has returned. And it won’t leave until it claims what belongs to it. Bastian has fallen into a bleak place. He seems to be in a dark dimension. Like an evil version of his own house. Bastian has disappeared under the bed, only a stain remains now and it smells horrible.

  • This is the room where Bastain has been seen last time and disappeared under the bed.
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  • Knock the carpet next to the bed to grab this nail from it.
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  • Now go to the place with the stain under the bed where Bastian was seen disappearing and grab this wooden object.
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  • Go to the dining room from the door opposite the stairs.
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  • Call this number using the telephone from the cupboard.
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  • Open the receiver and grab this note from it.
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  • Set the left side drawer in this sequence as mentioned on the note to open it.
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  • Grab this book from the downside shelf which says moments on the front page.
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  • Use the clues from this book to open the small room under the roof. You need to revert each time in the dark world to get a secret code.
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  • Here is a code obtained from the clue in the book.
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  • Put this code on the secret box lock.
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  • Now use this clue to see the picture of a couple eating pizza and then revert into the dark world mode to get another code.
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  • This is the picture from the stairs where the couple is eating pizza and beside it is the code.
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  • In the same way, grab another clue with a sea view to get another clue, and apply this code to unlock the secret room.
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  • Once the door is opened, grab this toy from the floor.
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  • Revert to the light world and grab this lamp from the same place under the stairs.
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  • Now open this book and see this page to get a clue.
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  • After that revert to the dark worldview and see these hands from the book’s clue.
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  • Give the toy from the secret room to these hands to pass through this place.
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  • Once passed, you will be in the kitchen now.
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  • Open the left-side drawers and grab this matchbox into your inventory.
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  • Then open the upper cupboards and get this snail from the tin.
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  • Open the lower door of the fridge and grab this chicken into your inventory.
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  • Revert into the light world and grab this cooking pot from the lower side shelf next to the oven.
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  • Go into the garden from the dining room.
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  • Now grab this spatula under the tree.
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  • Use this spatula to open these cans from the garage on the left side of the main hall and grab this key.
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  • Now go back to the main hall and turn this candle on using the matchbox from your inventory.
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  • Revert back into Carissa’s world and see the candle is still burning.
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  • Grab this candle and put it into your inventory.
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  • Go outside from the dining room and open this box using the key.
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  • Now go to the kitchen and use a candle from the inventory to burn the stove.
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  • Put the pot on the stove.
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  • Now open the box using this code.
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  • Once opened then grab this key from inside.
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  • Go to the garage and open the car’s backside using this key.
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  • Unlock the box using this sequence of codes.
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  • Then grab this key from the box.
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  • After that unlock this study room door using the key.
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  • Once opened, then go to this bookshelf.
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  • Grab this key from the box.
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  • Use the clue given on these sticky notes as a password for the computer.
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  • Draw this pattern on the computer screen to unlock it.
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  • Once the computer is unlocked, it says that the printer needs a page to print some files.
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  • Then put a page in the printer next to the computer table.
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  • After that print the file to get this clue.
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  • Put this clue code in the drawer to open it.
  • Grab this catcher from inside the drawer.
  • Go back to the kitchen and put this cube into the pot.
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  • Once the cube is melted, then grab the key from it using the catcher.
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  • Now go to the living room and open this drawer opposite to the bed using the key.
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  • Once opened, grab this switch from inside.
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  • Revert to the dark world, go to the study room again, and open this drawer.
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  • Once opened, then grab this paper with a clue on it.
  • Using the clue from the paper, make the fingers of the demon in this way to disappear it.
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  • Once disappeared, then open this drawer.
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  • Grab this paper from the drawer into your inventory.
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  • Use this code combination to open the box from the cupboard top and grab this toy from it.
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  • Go back to the dining room and give this toy to Bastian’s brother to disappear from the door.
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  • Once disappeared go outside this place.
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  • Go back to the garage and grab these fibre and wooden logs from the car’s backside.
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  • Put the wooden logs into the fire point from the dining room and set them on fire.
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  • Revert back to Carissa’s view and you will see some fire pits at this place.
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  • Go back to the dark view again at the same place and put a snail with fibre into the water, which will hunt a fish from the water.
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  • Go to light view and put the missing switch from your inventory at this place.
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  • Put this circuit board in this sequence.
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  • Once the sequence is correct the fire from this piano will be off.
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  • Go to the main door and see Lian who has just knocked on it.
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  • Grab the file from the table which Lian has dropped on it.
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  • Open the file and dial this number on the phone.
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  • Then use this clue given by Lou during the call.
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  • Open the right side drawer using the clue provided and grab this toy from the upper shelf.
  • Now go to the living room and free this bird.
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  • Open this bedside box using this pattern.
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  • Grab this cassette from the inside of it.
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  • Put this cassette in the audio player from the other bedside table.
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  • Once played, it will sing Bastian whistle for the dog Laika which will come inside the living room after listening to it.
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  • Grab this key from Laika’s collar.
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  • Go to the bathroom and open this tile using the key and turn on the valve inside.
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  • Now turn on the left side red tap of the wash basin.
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  • The steam from the hot water will make visible these clues on the mirror.
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  • Make this pattern on the lock to open the secret box.
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  • Once the box is opened, grab this hunter from the dog’s den on the outside lawn.
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  • Put this hunter in the toilet while in the dark view, an octopus from the black hole will be hunted its one leg in it.
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  • Go to the secret room under the stairs and turn over the page of the book to get more clues.
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  • Now come to the right side empty place from the upstairs, and give the rotten chicken to this animal which will gain extra weight. Then give this animal the piece of octopus obtained and it will gain more weight.
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  • Use this ladder to go through the attic door.
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  • Now come to the door to see Lou.
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  • After meeting with Luo who has advised Carissa to find keys from each world to get Bastian back, then go to the attic room up on the stairs.
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  • Open the secret box using this combination and grab these items from the inside.
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  • Use the key to unlock this box.
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  • Use a metal spatula from your inventory to remove the paint from the walls and get a clue of different eyes on the left wall.
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  • Using the clue from the attic room, adjust the view of the crooks from the lawn’s tree.
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  • Now grab this piece of diamond from the tree into your inventory.
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  • Go back to the attic room, open this box and grab another half side of the face from it.
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  • Then put these faces on this demon to get the key from it.
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  • Grab the key and open this drawer using it.
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  • Once opened, grab this cutter from inside it.
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  • Now use this cutter to cut the branches from the bench and grab this water can from it.
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  • Go back to the living room and water this pot using the can to get a flower.
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  • Now go to the stairs side pot and water it using the can to get this flower.
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  • After that go to the washroom and water this pot to grow this flower.
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  • Afterwards, go to the study room and water this pot to grow this flower.
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  • In a few time, these flowers will bloom like this.
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  • Pick all these flowers and take them to your inventory.
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  • Now go to the fire pit place near the main hall and put this pattern to unlock the lock.
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  • Open the door, go inside and put the handle with the pulley to lower the water level.
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  • Once the water is lower in a dark world, enter into it. Then put those flowers on this grave.
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  • Then put the black diamond in this place.
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  • Now go to the light world and grab this diamond from this hand.
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  • Put this diamond in the dark world at this place.
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  • After that, a skull-shaped key will appear at the centre, and grab it from the light and dark world.
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  • Now go to the main hall and open the door in both worlds using this key.
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  • Once the door is opened, go inside it, the demon will tell you if you go out then Carissa will be inside and then you will see this girl advising you to go out from there.
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