Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood – Xbox 360 Save Game

Ubisoft Montreal created Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, a stealth game. In single-player, the player assumes the character of protagonist Ezio Auditore da Firenze, who battles the Templar order and various groups in Renaissance Italy. The game takes place in Rome and its surroundings, where Ezio recruits members of an Assassin’s guild to assist him in defeating his foes.

How to Restore Xbox 360 Save file

To restore Xbox 360 save files using a USB drive, you’d need to follow these steps:

  • First, plug the USB drive into your Xbox 360 console and go to the “System” blade.
  • Tap on “Memory.” and select the USB flash drive.
  • After that, choose the saved game file you want to restore.
  • Click on “Copy” and follow the on-screen instructions to restore the saved game file.

Download Save file:

In this save file, the game is 100% completed.