Bounce Gun is a unique take on the classic shooter game. Take out your opponents with your bouncing pistol! The bullets all ricochet, providing you with an exhilarating experience. You may use realistic physics to bounce your shots off walls and objects to find the perfect angle and easily take down the adversary. Play with your buddies in this multiplayer shooter to see who the master of ricochets is!
How to Restore PS3 Save file
To restore PS3 save files, you’d need to follow these steps:
- Firstly, plug in your USB drive and make sure it is formatted in fat32.
- Go to “saved data utility PS3”, choose the save game you want to copy, and press Triangle.
- After that, select Copy and choose your USB drive.
- Go to System Settings and choose Backup Utility.
- Tap on Restore, and select your USB drive to restore the data.
Download Save file:
In this save file, the game is 100% completed.