Asteristic Game Studio created Dandy & Randy DX, a Puzzle Video Game. This classic 2D top-down old-school game has retro Zelda-style gameplay, colourful graphics, and a hearty amount of riddles and exploration. Dandy and Randy’s objective is to discover a mysterious treasure that will allow them to pay off their rising bank debt. But will they be able to conquer the challenges and barriers that await them in this deadly adventure?
If you are looking to start a split-screen co-op Dandy & Randy DX with other players, you have come to the right place.
Split Screen
Follow the steps below to play Dandy & Randy DX on a shared screen:
- Connect your controllers to the gaming device and choose “Start Game” from the main menu.
- The controller players need to press the “A” button to join.
- While the keyboard should press the “G” key to join the game.
- After that, pick a character for each player and select the level you want to play.
- Then you can play cooperatively with other players using respective inputs.