Demon’s Souls: How to Save Game

Demon’s Souls is a role-playing action game. Players face many monsters, including unique bosses, as they go through enemy-infested sections in the game. Defeating enemies grants players souls, which can be spent on things, upgrading weapons and armor, or replenishing health and magic points. The game also has a multiplayer option in which players can team up to combat foes or compete against one another. 

Demon’s Souls includes an auto-save feature that automatically keeps track of your progress throughout the game. This means players don’t need to manually save their game since the system does it for them, ensuring that their progress is recorded without having to worry about manually saving.

Auto-Save system

The auto-save feature will automatically save the game as you progress through each level. This feature triggers when you die and respawn or defeat a boss or enter a new section of an area.

You can also force an autosave by following the steps below:

  • Press the Options button to open up the Pause menu. 
  • After that, select the Return to Title option with the X Button.

We have covered the method to save your game in Demon’s Souls.