Desdenders Codes

In Descenders, you have to lead your team to glory and become the next legendary Descender. It offers procedurally generated worlds and freestyle bike controls. You have to push your rider for massive scores and combos. Just pick up the best team, and become a Legend.

Active Codes

ADMIRALCREEPUse it to unlock AdmiralBulldog Jersey
BUGGSUse it to unlock Bay Area Buggs Jersey
CIVRYANUse it to unlock CivRyan Jersey
CUSTOMUse it to Custom Gear
CUSTOMUse it to blank sets of Custom Gear (25 bikes)
DOGTORQUEUse it to Dogtorque set
DOGTORQUEUse it to Dogtorque set (includes a bike)
DRAEUse it to unlock Draegast Jersey
FIREKITTENUse it to unlock Firekitten Jersey
FUNHAUSUse it to unlock Funhaus Jersey
HIGHVOLTAGEUse it to High Voltage Set
ICEFOXXUse it to unlock Cashcow Bell, Cashcow Bike, Cashcow Jersey, Cashcow Mask & Cashcow Pant
ICEFOXXUse it to unlock Cashcow Bike and x4 items
KINGKRAUTZUse it to Kingkrautz set
KINGKRAUTZUse it to Kingkrautz set (includes a bike)
LOVEUse it to unlock Flag Heart
MANFISTUse it to unlock AdmiralBulldog Jersey
MERRYCHRISTMASUse it to unlock Kinetic Christmas Jersey, Enemy Christmas Jersey, Arboreal Christmas Jersey & Descenders Christmas Jersey
NATIONSUse it to get Canada, France, China, GremanyJapan, Netherlands, South Africa, UK, USA, Wales, Australia, Finland, New Zeland, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Estonia, Austria, and Spain Sets
NLSSUse it to unlock NLSS Jersey
PRIDEUse it to get 13 Flags
SLASHUse it to get Discord Bike
SLASHUse it to get Discord Bike
SMILEUse it to get RockLeeSmile Jersey
SODAGUse it to get Spamfish Jersey
SOMETHINGRADUse it to get Something Rad Jersey
SPEUse it to get Spe Set
SPESpe Set (includes a bike)
SPEEDISKEYUse it to unlock Jacksepticeye Jersey
SPOOPYUse it to unlock Skeleton Jersey & Skeleton Pants
STABLEUse it to get Training Set
TABORUse it to unlock Sam Tabor Gaming Jersey
TEAMRAZERUse it to unlock #TeamRazer Jersey & #TeamRazer Shorts*
TOASTYUse it to unlock Toasty Ghost Jersey
WARCHILDUse it to unlock War Child Jersey & War Child Shorts
YEAHTHEBOYSUse it to unlock Jackhuddo Jersey

How to redeem codes in Desdenders?

You have to go to the Extras Menu and navigate to the Redeem Code section. After that, input the codes to earn rewards.