Deus Ex: Human Revolution – PS3 Save Game

Eidos-Montréal created the stealth game Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Combat, hacking, stealth, and social interactions are all available to players in the game. Jensen’s augmentations can be tailored to the player’s preferred play style. The game provides both lethal and non-fatal ways to deal with opponents. The combat style is centered on a first-person shooter, and players can personalize their weapons with upgrades such as sights and silencers. Hacking mini-games allows players to access security systems or completely circumvent them. Social interactions can affect the game’s outcome in various ways.

How to Restore PS3 Save file

To restore PS3 save files, you’d need to follow these steps:

  • Firstly, plug in your USB drive and make sure it is formatted in fat32. 
  • Go to “saved data utility PS3”, choose the save game you want to copy, and press Triangle.  
  • After that, select Copy and choose your USB drive. 
  • Go to System Settings and choose Backup Utility
  • Tap on Restore, and select your USB drive to restore the data. 

Download Save file:

The game is 100% completed in this save file. It is saved after getting 15,999,984 credits, 15,999,984 XP, and 99 Praxis.