Dying Light 2: How to Save Game

Dying Light 2 is a violent action-adventure RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world where survival depends on your wits and strength. Fight ruthless opponents, explore dangerous places, and make difficult decisions that will impact the City’s destiny. As you face mutants, bandits, and other survivors, choose your playstyle wisely. Climb walls to obtain a new view of the city, form alliances with factions to gain access to strong weapons and equipment, and build upgrades for even more destructive strikes. 

Dying Light 2 includes an auto-save feature that automatically keeps track of your progress throughout the game. This means players don’t need to manually save their game since the system does it for them, ensuring that their progress is recorded without having to worry about manually saving.

Auto-Save system

Dying Light 2’s auto-save system records your progress when you finish watching a cutscene or complete an objective or quest. 

You can also force the auto-save feature by following the steps below:

  • Press the Menu button on Xbox, Options on PS5, or Esc on PC.
  • After that, you have to choose the ‘Quit Game’ option from the menu to record your progress 

We have covered the method to save your game in Dying Light 2.