Final Sea is a thrilling game inspired by the beloved anime series, One Piece. Embark on an epic journey that immerses you in a world of adventure and discovery, where new powers, mysterious islands, fruits, swords, and countless treasures await. You will take on the role of a brave adventurer, setting sail in search of legendary powers and hidden secrets.
Active Codes
Codes | Description |
Final Sea | Use it to get free 1K Beli. (NEW) |
Enhancement! | Use it to get Double Mastery XP for 30 minutes. (NEW) |
5KLikes | Use it to get Reset Stats. (NEW) |
500KVisits | Use it to get Double Mastery XP for 30 Minutes. (NEW) |
1MVisits | Use it to get Devil Fruit Notifier for 60 minutes. (NEW) |
15KFavorites | Use it to get Race Spins (x15) |
10KFavorites | Use it to get Devil Fruit Notifier for 30 minutes. (NEW) |
How to Redeem Final Sea Codes?
Follow the below steps to redeem the codes in Final Sea:
- Start the game and press the Menu button on the bottom-left of your screen.
- Input the code in the text input box.
- After that, hit the Enter button to redeem the code.