Find the Moonstone Butterfly Puzzle – Hogwarts Legacy

This guide will let you know how to complete the “Find the Moonstone” Butterfly puzzle in The Centaur and the Stone quest in Hogwarts Legacy.

You have to enter the cave to defeat the Dugbog, and you will end up with your first puzzle. There will be two walls; use your confringo to break one and burn the other with a fire spell. Go through the door to get the butterfly.

After that, head down the pathway that you broke, put the butterfly there, and use your lumos. Spin the butterfly stand using your depulso and once it stops spinning, you can exit this cave.

Climb the pillar outside and jump onto the ledge to get the legendary gear chest.

Jump down and use depulso on the store to go through; there will be the next puzzle in this cave. You have to open four doors, and each door has two symbols. Press the button that matches the symbol and then find another one that matches the bottom. Just pull them in order to lower the door.

Open up all of the doors following this method and then put two butterflies on butterfly stands. After that, keep using depulso on them until the gate is fully open.

Once the gate is open, you need to collect one butterfly with the lumos and put it on the stand on the other side of the gate. Use depulso multiple times on it to bring up the bridge, then take the butterfly and head across the bridge. Take all your butterflies back and put three of them on the door here. It will open up the door, and your puzzle will complete.