Great Ace Attorney Chronicles: How to Save Game

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is a two-in-one package of the adventures of rookie lawyer Ryunosuke. It offers elements like evidence-gathering, deduction, and courtroom battles set in a charming and witty world.

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles includes both an auto-save system, which automatically saves the game, and a manual save option that lets players save their game at any time. This dual save system provides flexibility for players to preserve their progress according to their preferences.

Auto-Save system

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles auto-save system tends to promptly save your progress without much delay. A small book icon will appear on the screen, indicating your game is being saved. 

How to save the game manually?

To manually save the game, you have to follow the steps below:

  • Open up the menu by pressing the + button and then tap on the Save option. 
  • After that, select the file you want to record your progress in.
    The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles game offers 20 save slots.  

We have covered all the methods to save your game in The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.