The World of Assassination series is a trilogy that began on PC in 2015. To celebrate the release of HITMAN 3, gamers who already own HITMAN 2 can receive an ‘Access Pass’ for the newest game when they buy it. They will be able to go back and play their favorite missions from the earlier games, but with all new visuals and mechanics.
Active Codes
Codes | Description |
1st Carpathian Mountains keypad door code | Use it to get to the start – 1979 |
1st Chongqing keypad door code | Use it to get the Container keypad door code to the ICA Facility – 118 |
1st Dartmoor keypad safe code | Use it to get to Alexa Carlisle’s Office on the 2nd floor – 1975 |
1st Dubai keypad door code | Use it to get to Staff Area Floor level 00 – 4706 |
1st Mendoza keypad door code | Use it to get to Laser System Floor Level 01 – 1945 |
2nd Chongqing keypad door code | Use it to get to ICA Apartment Floor 02 – 118 |
2nd Dubai keypad door code | Use it to get Between Atrium & Staff Area Floor level 00 – 4706 |
2nd Mendoza keypad safe code | Use it to get to Villa Basement – 2006 |
3rd Chongqing keypad door code | Use it to get to Laundromat, Floor 01 – 118 |
3rd Dubai keypad safe code | Use it to get to Security Room Floor 02 – 6927 |
4th Chongqing keypad door code | Use it to get to Staircase in the Benchmark Lab, F 04 – 2552 |
4th Dubai keypad safe code | Use it to get to Security Room Floor 03 – 6927 |
5th Chongqing keypad door code | Use it to get to Therapy Room (balcony from Hush’s Lab) – 2552 |
5th Dubai keypad safe code | Use it to get to Penthouse guest bedroom – 7465 |
6th Chongqing keypad door code | Use it to get to Arcade on Floor 00 – 2552 |
7th Chongqing Secret Hatch code | Use it to get to the fenced area behind the Arcade – 2552 |