How to Add / Invite & Play Blackjack 21 with Friends

This guide will let you know how to add or invite and play Blackjack 21 with friends.

Add Friends

In this section, we will take you through the steps to add friends to the game,

  • First, you need to look for a button labeled Friends, usually located in the top-right corner. Click on it and select Invitations.
    Your unique ID or nickname will appear at the bottom of this screen.
  • After that, press the Search button, and type in your friend’s nickname in the search bar. Send a friend request to your friend.
    You’ll receive a confirmation of a successful request.
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Invite Friends to Play

This section describes how to invite your friends to play a match.

  • Navigate to the game you want to play, find the Play Now button, and click on it. Inside the game, click on the menu button and choose the Invite option.
  • If available, you can invite friends through external social media platforms like Snapchat, Facebook, or WhatsApp. Share the game link with your friends through these platforms.
    Once your friend clicks the shared link, they’ll be redirected to the game. From there, they can select the game they want to play.
    After sending invites, your friends will appear in the Invitations section of the game.
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  • You can also invite friends who are online by pressing the Invite button from the game’s menu and selecting your friend’s name from the list.
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