How to Adjust the Difficulty Settings in WWE 2k23

This guide helps to adjust the Difficulty Settings in WWE 2k23 on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC most easily and quickly. You must follow each step mentioned in the guide to complete the task.

Step 1: Accessing the Options Tab

  • To begin, launch WWE 2K23 and navigate to the main menu. Look for the “Options” tab, typically located in the top-right or bottom-left corner of the screen. Once you locate it, click or tap on it to proceed.

Step 2: Selecting the Gameplay Settings

Within the Options menu, you will find various settings related to your gameplay experience. Look for the “Gameplay” option and click or tap on it. This will lead you to a submenu where you can make further adjustments.

Step 3: Choosing the Difficulty Level

  • In the Gameplay submenu, you will encounter several options to fine-tune your gaming experience. Among them, you will find the “Difficulty” settings. Click or tap on this option to proceed.

Step 4: Exploring Difficulty Options

Upon selecting the Difficulty settings, you will be presented with a range of choices. These choices are categorized based on the level of challenge they offer. The available difficulty options usually include:

  1. Easy: This mode provides a less challenging experience, ideal for beginners or players who prefer a more casual gameplay style.
  2. Normal: The default difficulty setting, offering a balanced challenge for most players.
  3. Hard: This mode ramps up the difficulty, providing a tougher challenge for experienced players seeking a greater test of skill.
  4. Legend: The highest difficulty level available in the game, designed for seasoned veterans who crave the ultimate challenge.

Step 5: Choosing Your Difficulty Level

After considering your skill level and preferences, select the difficulty option that suits you best. Simply click or tap on the desired difficulty level to confirm your choice.

This guide has taught you the simplest method to adjust the Difficulty Settings in WWE 2k23 in the most convenient way, which requires no time to execute the process.