This guide will show you how to command ranger and use it to its full potential
Ranger is a powerful gadget in Battlefield 2042, but you cannot equip it as a normal gadget or deploy it from the spawn screen. You need to use the Call-in tablet to access it; you can open it by pressing LB and RB on Xbox, B on PC, or L1 and R1 on Playstation. After that, select the Robot dog and its spawn location.

You can also experiment with the spawn location, like positioning yourself at the high ground and letting rangers spawn below you to observe the area. Once deployed, the ranger will follow you and automatically shoots the nearby enemies. It will also shoot at enemy drones.

Following you is the default mode of ranger, and you can command hidden within the depths of Commo Rose. Hold B on Xbox, Q on PC, or R1 on Playstation to bring up Commo Rose, and then you can give orders when you are the squad leader. It will also show the range of commands at the bottom of the screen.

You need to open the Commo Rose and press E on PC, X on Xbox, or Square on Playstation to mark the location you want to command the ranger. But remember to point your crosshair before opening Commo Rose. After that, a green marker with a little ranger icon will appear, and the doc will run to the location. Within 150 meters works fine here; it needs to be in your line of sight to place the marker. If you want Ranger to follow you again, open Commo Rose and double-tap X or Square. Your specialist will also repeat the commands, and the ranger will react with a robot voice.

You can also tell the ranger to self-destruct by opening Commo Rose and holding the aforementioned button instead of toggling them. Then ranger will start a short countdown and then explode, damaging enemies and vehicles around it. It is recommended to do this before the ranger gets destroyed. It will also self-destruct when you die. Once you are down and in the revive screen, the ranger will try to protect you.

The ranger doesn’t deal much damage with its mounted gun but it keeps the enemies engaged. You can also add the repair tool to your loadout and repair the ranger’s damages during the match.