In this comprehensive guide, you will discover efficient and secure method to clear jungle paths rapidly, even without the need for a Machete, in The Sims 4.
Step 1: Sims with lower gardening skills may encounter difficulties when attempting to clear jungle vines with their hands. Not only will they progress slowly, but they also face a heightened risk of injuries caused by the thorny vegetation. These injuries can lead to an uncomfortable moodlet known as “Injured Hands,” which carries a +2 mood penalty.
Step 2: Conversely, Sims with advanced gardening skills can swiftly and safely eliminate jungle vines. By honing their expertise in the gardening activity, your Sim will be able to navigate the dense foliage with ease, minimizing the chances of injury. It is highly recommended to invest time and effort into developing your Sim’s gardening skill to a high level. Doing so will negate the need for a Machete, which is typically used to tackle challenging paths in the jungle adventure.