How to Complete Hogwarts Legacy Chess in Treasure Vaults

This guide will tell you how to complete the chess puzzles you find in the Treasure Vaults. You have to find the vault, get the missing piece, and put it as per the order in the chess to complete it.

The map will show you are in the southeast corner. Therefore, the Hogwarts castle will be back here down to the pointing arrow, and the highlighting area in the map shows the treasure vault area.

The nearest floo flame is Phoenix mountain cave, and it is assumed that there will be two chess puzzles in these treasure vaults, and they will operate similarly. This guide will help you with what to do while in the puzzle.

You need to employ pulso on these structures to get in the vaults. You will continuously be attacking them again and again to open the locks.

Now you will be attacking with the same pulso repeatedly on the left-hand side structure to open the gate’s locks.

Once the gate is open, go inside by following the pathway to see a chessboard layout.

Now you must utilize the transformation spell unlocked a bit late in this game.

Once you have this spell, employ revelio and you will find a pot lit or glow-up.

So if you utilize the transformation on this pot, it will be transformed into the correct chess piece. There would have been four possible pieces that you may have to get, such as Rook, Bishop, Knight, and Pawn.

Now you need to utilize Accio and hold the chess piece, move it, and put it in such a position that gives you checkmate against the opponent King.

Pplace the rook in front of the king to complete the puzzle. If you find the rook, then place it in front of the king, so there should be the rooks that move forward or to the side only. However, if you got the bishop, it is diagonal to the king.

But if you get the knight, it is two spaces to the side of one space up; it is an L-shaped movement. It means you have to go two spaces up and one to the right side.

So if the piece is a pawn, it should be one space diagonally to the king, meaning it should be here or one space to the right side. These are all four pieces that you may get.

After that, go the stairs and claim your gift, a purple unidentified head thing.

Now if you see the map, the treasure vault has vanished, which means it has been accomplished.

Here is another picture you can use while you stumble into the puzzle, and it shows how to put pieces in the chess along with the king to complete the puzzle.