This guide will help you to locate the well-well side quest in Hogwarts legacy. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this guide to complete the quest.
First, you will need to see the map; you will find a small hamlet known as ARANSHIR on the eastern side of Hogwarts.
Move to the southeast, and you will see the side quest there. You need to locate that quest.
Once you reach the well, there will be a small conversation, and you will be told to talk with the magical well, and this location is exactly where the quest is. It is basically on a cliff or a mountain that is high enough.
You will get a map like this once you finish talking with the magical well. If you see to the downside of the map, an arrow is pointing towards the tree with a feather on the top side.
This tree is shown on the map, and if you see it again on the Hogwarts map to check your location, you will find that this is actually in the Feldcraft region.
While zooming in a little bit, you will find a small island next to the waterfall on Hogwart’s side, down at the arrow-pointing symbol.
The feather that you see on the map. If you alter it to Levioso and then employ it on the tree, it will show a treasure. After that, open up the treasure to see what is inside, and your quest will be completed.