How to Counter COUNTESS – Predecessor

Regarding countering Countess in the game “predecessor,” she is one of the characters with the strongest abilities. The players hear her voice even in their dreams when they sleep after playing “predecessor.” So, here are some useful tips and tricks not to face her only but to defeat her. When you want to know how to counter and play against any hero in the game, you must know their advantages and disadvantages. And try to find out about their abilities. The ideal suggestion is to play with those heroes.

Countering Countess

Countess Attacks The Soft Targets With Low HP

If you think like a Countess, you can understand how to counter her. The ideal suggestion is to play with her; some of the master players play with her in every single lane successfully. But mostly, you will find her playing in mid-off-lane and jungle too. Countess tries to look for enemies with low HP or soft enemies. In all likelihood, she does not fight tanky enemies. And you should also try to find the target with low HP if you are standing face-to-face with an enemy such as a tower, minions, or any other enemy, even if you are not battling against them. Still, you and your HP bar will be viewed in the game. It means that if you are combating and assaulting a tower by yourself, everyone, including the countess sees you doubtlessly.

The Healing Power Of Countess

And if you are with low HP, you can be jolted by Contos, Jungle, or maybe someone else. But the Countess will surely come to attack. She is the kind of hero who, if you give her a bit of chance, will certainly have it. The worst thing about fighting against the Countess, she may heal unbelievably quickly, notably when surrounded by the minions. So, you will see there that if you ultimately run minions. You can spin utilizing Blade Siphon and heal each person she attacks with 400% healing in case she attacks a hero. And using her ultimate ability, she heals herself around 50% over the damage deal. It can even reach 85% if you try utilizing specific items. For this reason, you will find several counter spills created around dealing great damage. So they could deal so much damage and also heal the equal.

The Ability Of Eventide

If you thought you were a real-time safe from her access, don’t think! Since she is with ventai, Samplers is empowered with so much e-ability Eventide. Therefore, it deals great damage and is excellent almost against anything. Because, at times, you like to ensure you down the enemy sufficiently with the eventide to be capable of terminating them with your other capabilities in short range. You will see that the countess does not want to stay in the long fights even if she can on a solo target. She endangers herself. Hence, being capable of nudging the enemies so much from a distance lets her deal with plenty of damage and kill the enemy speedily. She can do it even from a distance due to her overkill capability.

Primary Ability Of Shadow Slip

The Abilities

Normally, you can find this when she jumps on you and starts her attack with shadow sleep. The main thing is that when she uses this ability which flashes on her enemy, she has 4 seconds to get back to her actual position from where she used it. It means that if you can attack her, doing great damage, you can manage to run. She can teleport in return when she presses Q to a safe place. Therefore, in a few circumstances, you conceivably decide it will be good for you to fight on location. Since a Q’s ability will become nothing if she assaults using Q. Mainly, you will be at the same location; thus, one method to void it is to force her to fight in the same location.

Don’t Escape; Go Head-to-Head

Instead of trying to run away from her. If you get away from her in specific circumstances, you will give her a great chance to deal damage. And be aware that she can hit you with her range attack. So, it would help if you went into a head-to-head fight against her. It may be slightly effective in missing her attack. But if you only think, you can be a winner against her.

Be Aware; She Loves Single Targets

If you are assaulting for a definite place and feel you have a benefit. Try to be at the place where she started executing her capability or try to stay close to that location. The condition where you have an adventure from her might be in the deal of damage and lastingness. You will be capable enough not to allow her to run away. You need to go nearer to the place from where she started using her ability. But she will be very lethal in the jungle. The jungle can assault you since she is highly powerful against single targets. Even she can easily finish the most popular heroes in the game, such as Khaimera. There is another significant thing to consider she times her ultimate ability for the correct time.

She Is Never Low

She Is Never Down, Even When She Looks

If she does not start with her ultimate ability, she will try to fight you and want to take you down from the aspects of HP. Later, she will use her ultimate ability to dominate. You might think you are about to finish her since she looks pretty down. Is it the right time to execute your ultimate ability and acquire loads of health? Because when you are battling against her, you should consider it as if you are in a battle with someone who is third in terms of power that is built-in. So, if you see her in a miserable state, remind yourself that she can quickly regain when she utilizes siphon in her ultimate attack. She will heal substantially if she uses items. A few of the bills that are more are utilized to optimize this perk to restore even more.

Countess Is Always On Hunt

Some items raise your healing abilities to heal extra with a siphon. She heals more with her ultimate capability. Hence, when she is down, she is not that down. And when someone else is down, normally, she is always there. She looks for a low enemy to finish them swiftly. Especially when it does no CC or something that can interrupt her abilities; therefore, she hangs for many things to come out, and then she jumps in. Firstly, she could attack from a distance and damage those teamed enemies. Secondly, she can heal even if she is low or down and can attack. Because with her siphon, she can heal all the heroes around. Your teammates are fighting. And she gains 400% for everyone. Keep in your mind that she is very harmful. And she always searches for combats that will surprise you every time, even when it seems she is not nearby.

The Siphon

She Is A Great Eater

There is another thing that you need to keep in mind, especially if you play mid. But it is indeed right for Solon that she will attempt to bet you again combating their dominions. Since you may utilize her capability to deal 360 degrees, she can eat a lot of minions in her surroundings. And will heal each of them; specifically, if he is fighting, you will get 400% more healing.

The Zoning Capability

There is another ability that some of the heroes have called zoning capabilities. You can keep this useful from afar; you don’t need to get close to her, and you may deal damage. Another thing is that he is at a great distance, which can be a huge trouble for her at the initiating in particular. For instance, when you can put those mines on the ground. You may target his rocket from this distance. Or having Gideon, you can speedily disengage, and assault, especially from this far range, can be troublesome. For example, in mid, the gadget is a get counter for her. Because she can create adoes on the ground, you can compel her to stay to not obtain the benefit in the lane. And also, you can do plenty of damage if you only carry the fight against her since it is her need to be great close to your to utilize your capability. And due to getting consistent damage in a huge amount and became slower.

The Zoning Ability

The Strategy She Uses

Remember, the longer the game runs, she can heal, but she will be mushy. Therefore, if you continue damaging her, she may take a step back not to be in a fight against you and to rescue herself. If you are playing a gadget, getting on your ultimate attack becomes very powerful against her. Ensure that you choose not to heal. Attempt to do it if she has already triggered her ultimate attack ability. Now, try to get fight a tired countess. She has a few cooldowns, quick cooldowns. So, she will try to get the gaps. Try to find those gaps and attack her when she is useless. Anyway, these two items are utilized strongly by the mushy characters. Such as, she may use apoc that makes her unbeatable for damage with special timing. She can utilize it if you are using your ultimate attack. For instance, she will wait for the right time and will attack you after you have used your ultimate attack. She wants to make your ultimate attack completely useless. Then she will use her ultimate attack or ability. Now she wants to exhaust you to make herself unbeatable, wait for the right time, and then attack you.

She Can Overcome You Once Healed

It is a great chance that she did to run away for them to attack her on the contrary. This is the item that can give her a shield and enhance her magical lifestyle as well. She can heal all the more once it is triggered. Now, you are not safe in the tower since she can blink on you because she can heal if he attacks and finishes you in the tower. She has a distance and can utilize Q too. You should not go far from the tower since she has 4 seconds to activate it. Now get out of it if the tower is about to fall and you are alone, and she is there. Otherwise, you are dead, most probably. She is very powerful in facing ADC since this is mushy and can flash, heal, and confuse. And you may miss so many of your shots. She is excellently strong against soft characters. Remember that if you are down, you are her target. She attempted to edge you even on the other side of the tower. You are not safe anymore because she can jump there, finish you can leave with full safety.


Try To Save Each Other

You think you should be careful about the front only, but no, you must be careful about all the directions because she can appear from anywhere. Therefore, in some situations, don’t care about attacking when you play if there is another companion with you. Another mushy ally! You are still in danger, and she can attack you anytime, even if you get out of there. It is recommended in the centre to keep your blink; that is normally the right time. So, don’t waste it for some hits. Ensure to save it if he is there. Just in case of emergency, and even if you are a very soft hero, she can still attack because she can heal even if both of you stay close. She eats for the one percent and needs a chance. Ensure to keep an eye on all directions. She targets the low HP targets first.

Even a Single Chance Can Be Killing

So, how to counter her? The best way is to put her in the bay and keep damaging her. Don’t allow her to get nearer to you as she tries. If you are at a safe distance, specifically in the distance, you can continue pushing; she will leave at last. Don’t go close to her. Don’t give her a chance at times, not in the jungle. She will attempt to push you toward the minions. You may hit minions and get healed. But don’t let her do this. Always think that she can heal quickly. So, try to add a third of a half only to consider it. You think she is down, but she is not. Even when you think you are a benefit, you are not because she can heal. Try to decrease it to 50% or as much as you can. Since if she is down, she is less aggressive. If you find her out on the map, fight against her with a tanky enemy, a jungle might that can swiftly shock her and can do great damage.

Fighting As A Team Of Two

A tanky support character lets you exhaust her capability and finds that window to assault your wish and gets plenty of damage. Try to be distant from her if the two of you are playing. Not to give her a chance to use her ability, to use her shadow attack to eat both of you. And not utilize a siphon for healing both of you if you are within reach. If she is well-healed, she can be greatly dangerous. You should find some very tanky heroes that can deal huge damage in a short time. She possibly has very less chance that she will come face-to-face with them. If you meet, those heroes can be highly useful when zoning out, and you have a way out to disengage. Like, you can put out in case you are utilizing a hoist. Or you can put your grenades. Dealing damage slows down, indeed. If you are playing with the same character, the same hero battles you with the same abilities. It is not wise, of course.

Attack And Eliminate Her

The Gadgets

The Gadgets can put capabilities from far, and she can take it on herself. It is somewhat discouraging for her to keep attacking you, whereas those airways are on the ground between you. So, normally there are enemies in mid that may zone enemies from a distance and still deal damage, which encourages. The count is attacking you, or this preventer, in a way in Solonen, is about the capability to be strong as the Melee character when you get with her head-to-head, the capability to stun and destroy utilizing CC or carrying on getting the healing or shields. Such as, many can get healing but still can generate shields when utilizing their capability, like passive. Try to plug her and get her in a circumstance that is on cooldown. Later, try to assault and finish her. Therefore, she will try to poke you so much, decrease your health, and let loose your anger on Pon you instead of attempting to get you straight from the beginning. When you are in full health, it is because you are playing alone whether you are in force to force melee against her. Or you have some capabilities to overcome her.

Make Proper Arrangements With AOE

If she finalizes to go in, you may disrupt her when you generate health and shields on your own. There are fewer chances to get into this situation where you are down, and she can start her attack to finish you. The more you disrupt her to make her stay longer, the more chance she will leave and move away. She is an assassin. She is here to eliminate, within no time, plenty of damage and get out waiting for the cooldowns. Do it again and again. She can be in the fight for a long time since she can heal. But the longest you stay, the higher the obvious be taken down. The main reason for this is that between the cooldowns, she is mushy, and she has a higher priority too. She could probably be a target if you arrange if you have AOE. Put them where she is positioned, and she will leave the place since she needs to reset her cooldown. And she needs to be separated. It is an outstanding way to suspend her. Putting away on the grounds does great damage to her. At last, she will go away.


What Can Be Done In The End?

Be aware, and keep your distance maintained. Don’t be closer to a great number of minions since she uses it as a benefit of healing herself and attacking you. Now the most significant thing is her location; you need to inform your team about her position. Still keep an eye because she has a high strength against single targets. When she plays the image, she will try to poke and get an easy finish. While roving around from the mid, she may speedily take a left to the single or dual lane because she is good against single targets. She may stroll the jungle in a way safe manner and with way more confidence. It means that she can drift you in the wide region of the jungle and go directly to the enemies. It is a great place, too, because hopefully, she gets a shorter round. If she looks at an enemy who is down, she never misses the chance to eliminate him.

Closing Comments

Only having thorough information about the countess can save you and your teammates. Her ultimate attack ability and quicker healing ability makes her stand out and a difficult target to achieve too. So, keep your eyes open and always be on her during the fight, and you will be victorious.