How to Create a Tag Team in WWE 2k23

This guide helps to create a Tag Team in WWE 2k23 most easily and quickly. You must follow each step mentioned in the guide to complete the task.

Step 1: Accessing the Tag Team Creation Menu

  • To begin creating your tag team, start by navigating to the “Options” menu in WWE 2K23. From there, select the “Roster” option. Once you’re on the roster screen, locate and choose the “Edit Teams” section.

Step 2: Naming Your Tag Team

  • In the “Edit Teams” menu, you’ll find a list of pre-existing tag teams already in the game. To form your own tag team, press the right stick on Xbox and PlayStation controllers or the F1 key on PC. This action will initiate the creation process for your tag team.

Next, enter a name for your tag team. For instance, let’s call our team “Team G.”

Step 3: Selecting an Announcer and Additional Members

  • After naming your tag team, you have the option to choose an announcer for your team. In WWE 2K23, you can select from a variety of announcers or choose “none” if you prefer no announcer at all.
  • Furthermore, you can expand your tag team by adding other members. Consider including popular wrestlers like Triple H or unleash your creativity and design a superstar of your own.

Step 4: Determining Crowd Reaction and Finisher

  • To enhance the overall experience, you can decide how the crowd reacts to your tag team’s entrance. WWE 2K23 provides two options: “Boo” or “Cheer.”
  • Additionally, you can assign a unique finishing move to your tag team. Scroll down to the “Tag Team Finisher” section and select a finisher that suits your team’s style and persona.
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Step 5: Customizing Entrance and Victory Motions

  • For added personalization, WWE 2K23 allows you to adjust your tag team’s entrance and victory motions. Determine whether your team enters the ring separately or together, setting the desired level of synchronization and coordination.
  • Furthermore, explore the various interest settings and victory motions available to create a distinctive presentation for your tag team.

Step 6: Saving Your Tag Team

  • Once you are satisfied with all the customizations and configurations, save your tag team. This will finalize the creation process, and you can now enjoy your unique tag team in WWE 2K23.

This guide has taught you the simplest method to create a Tag Team in WWE 2k23 in the most convenient way, which requires no time to execute the process.