How to Do a Low Blow in WWE 2k23 (Xbox, Playstation, PC)

This guide helps to perform a low blow in WWE 2k23 on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC most easily and quickly. You must follow each step mentioned in the guide to complete the task.

Step 1: Select Your Character

  • To initiate the low blow, begin by selecting your desired character from the match selection screen. For this guide, we will be using John Cena as an example.
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Step 2: Edit the Playback Option

  • Once you have chosen your character, navigate to the edit playback option. Locate the low blow move and select it. This will ensure that the move is accessible during the match.

Step 3: Building the Blue Bar

  • To execute the low blow, it is essential to have the blue bar filled. The blue bar represents your character’s arsenal and is crucial for performing special moves. To fill the bar, you can continuously attack your opponent. However, if you are playing a normal match, it is advisable to neutralize the referee first to avoid detection. This can be done by pressing the right stick on Xbox and PlayStation or the “C” key on PC.

Step 4: Target Your Opponent

  • Once the referee is out of the way, refocus your attention on your opponent. Proceed to target them to prepare for the low blow.

Step 5: Execute the Low Blow

  • Now it’s time to unleash the low blow on your unsuspecting opponent. On Xbox, press the Y and RT buttons simultaneously. On PlayStation, press the triangle and R2 buttons together. For PC users, press the space and I key at the same time. By following these button combinations, you will successfully perform the low blow.
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Step 6: Success!

  • Congratulations! You have now executed a low blow in WWE 2k23. With this powerful move in your arsenal, you’ll be able to surprise and dominate your opponents in the game.

This guide has taught you the simplest method to add a low-blow move to your Arsenal in WWE 2k23 in the most convenient way, which requires no time to execute the process.