This guide will let you know how to download and install the Litematica mod in Minecraft 1.19.2.
1. The first thing you will need to do is open your Minecraft launcher and select the latest release 1.19.2. Click on the Play button and let the game loads up till the main menu appears, then quit it.
2. After that, download the Litematica-fabric mod’s jar file for Minecraft version 1.19.2 from ““. Open the link and give the location to save the jar file of the Litematica mod.
3. You will require to install the MaLiLib library for this Litematica mod to work accurately.
You can download the MaLiLib-fabric library’s jar file for Minecraft version 1.19.2 from
““. Open the link and give the location to save the jar file of the MaLiLib library. Now go to the downloads folder and drag both the files(mod and library) into the desktop for your ease.
4. Next, you need to install the fabric mod loader & fabric API which can be downloaded from these links respectively “” and ““. Open the links and give the location to save the jar files. You should also make sure to update the java to the latest edition otherwise you could get interrupted by java-related errors.
5. Now double-click on the Fabric installer to open the installation menu, select Minecraft version 1.19.2 then press the Install button.
6. Now run the Minecraft launcher, and you’ll find the fabric loader 1.19.2 selected at the bottom left corner.
7. After that, click on the installation tab and make sure to checkmark the Modded option.
8. Now click on the little folder icon in front of the fabric loader.
9. A directory will appear from where you need to open the mods folder. If you don’t get to see a mods folder for any reason, then you can create an empty folder and name it mods.
10. Now drag all the downloaded files (Litematica Mod, MaLiLib, and Fabric API) from the desktop and drop them into the mods folder inside the fabric loader.
11. After that, close all the archives, go back to the Minecraft Launcher and click the play button in front of the fabric launcher under the installation tab.