How to Find The SECRET GHOST of Mount Gordo in GTA Online

This guide helps to find the secret Ghost of Mount Gordo in GTA Online. You have to find a specific location on the map to reach the ghost.

  • First, you need to open the map from your GTA game.
  • Find the location of the secret ghost from the map which is in the top right corner.
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  • You have to go to this location between 11:00 pm to 12:00 am as per the game time.
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  • Once you see these mountains, land on Mount Gordo.
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  • You have to wait here until it is 11:00 pm for the game.
  • Once it is 11:00 pm turn around and you will find him on a hill.
    You can see the ghost using the zoom of your sniper gun.
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You can go close to the ghost and take a picture of it to get the maximum view.

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The ghost will disappear once you get too close to it.

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