How To fix Yuzu Exe System Error MSVCP140 ATOMIC WAIT DLL is missing

This guide will let you know how to fix Yuzu Exe System Error MSVCP140 ATOMIC WAIT DLL is missing.

First, press the Windows button at the bottom left side of your screen and write settings in the search bar. In the settings menu, you have to go to Update and Security.

Select Windows Security from the left side of your screen and click on Viruses and Threats. Under the Virus and Threat protection settings, you must click on manage settings.

Now scroll down, and click on Manage controlled folders access under the Control folder access. On the next page, you have to make sure that the controlled folder access is turned OFF.

Again press the Windows button at the bottom left side of your window and then write “control panel” in the search bar. On the control panel, click on Uninstall program under the program heading. Then scroll down and find the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019, you have to uninstall it.

After that, install Microsoft Visual C++ 2022. To download this, you need to click on the following link Once the download completes, run the setup of Visual C++ 2022 as an administrator. Without Visual C++, the Yuzu emulator will not run. Once the setup is installed successfully, restart your PC and run the Yuzu emulator as an administrator. It will fix your error.