This guide will show how to get credits fast in Warframe. There are two main ways you can make a good amount of credits in Warframe and in a relatively short amount of time as well.
The first way you can make a lot of credits is by going running the index mission on Neptune.
You will need to have at least 50,000 credits to invest in the highest level index so you can get the most credits out of it. So make sure you have that much beforehand.
Now doing the index itself isn’t all that hard, you do need well-modded gear to survive and to be able to kill the enemies first so if you are lower eleven then you might not want to try this just yet. You can use Rhino since after picking up lots of points iron skill will protect you from getting killed super easily since your health will be drastically lower the more points you have on you.
The other way you can make credits quickly is by simply going to your inventory or to your mods and selling anything you either don’t need anymore or duplicate mods you might have. Leftover night wave creds are worth a lot of credits as well if you have them.