How to get Frigates and Send them out on Expeditions in No Man’s Sky

In this guide, you will find out how to get Frigates and Send them out on Expeditions in No Man’s Sky.
When looking for frigates for your fleet, it’s better to look in three-star wealthy systems, as looking for ships in those systems will give you a better chance at getting a better quality/class frigate.

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You will also need a freighter/capital ship before you can start buying frigates. So make sure you have one as well.

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Once you are in a good system and have a freighter, you just need to find a fleet in whatever system you might be in. Normally fleets will just randomly appear or warp into the system. When you find a fleet, you can fly your ship to it, and there will be a few frigates you can buy.

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Frigates aren’t cheap either, especially for the higher-class ones, so make sure you have a pretty good amount of credits.

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Once you’ve bought a frigate, it will automatically return to your capital ship, and you’ll be able to see it and land on it. You will also be able to send it out on expeditions.

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You can only have a max of 30 frigates in your fleet at a time, so just keep that in mind when buying frigates.

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You can get six types of frigates: industrial, mining, exploration, combat, trade, and support/supply frigates. Each of the frigates in your fleet has different abilities you can use.

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Combat ships can be deployed into the field to help you when you get into ship/space battles. Support ships will give you condensed carbon when you land on them. They also decrease the amount of fuel used when sent out on expeditions.

Mining/industrial ships will give you magnetized ferrite when you land on them. Trade ships will give you chromatic metal when you land on them. Science/Exploration ships will allow you to scan the system that you are in and will find ancient ruins for you when you land on them.

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Now using the frigates you have, you can send them out on expeditions; you will need the fleet command room built on your freighter to do expeditions.

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Now to start sending frigates out on expeditions, you just need to talk to the person who plans expeditions on your bridge, which you can find standing near the table in the center.

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There will be 5 expeditions you can choose from, and you can see the type of expedition; there are 5 types of expeditions.

  • Industrial/mining (mining ships are good for).
  • Combat (combat ships are good for).
  • Trade (trade ships are good for)
  • Exploration/Discovery (Exploration ships are good for).
  • Balanced (Any of the ships are good for).

This is why it’s good to have a good mix of the different types of frigates so you can send them on the right expeditions.

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There’s also fleet tech, which you can use on expeditions, which pretty much adds bonus stats and makes your fleet stronger and gives you a better fleet rating, making the expedition go smoother.

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When the expeditions are complete, you can claim the rewards and return your frigates to your fleet by going to the command room and speaking with your commander again.

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Also, there is a chance that your frigates might get damaged when they are out on expeditions, but preparing them isn’t that hard; the game will tell and show you which frigates need to be repaired if they are damaged so all you have to do is fly to it and land on it, and you will be directed to the damaged part on the ship so you can repair it.

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