How to get the Large Refiner Blueprint Unlocked in No Man’s Sky

In this guide, you will find how to unlock the Large Refiner Blueprint in No Man’s Sky.
Getting the blueprint for the large refiner is not hard. However, before anything, you will need to have a base built; in that case, you need to have a base scientist. So make sure to have both of those things before you start trying to get the large refiner.

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To start, you need to head to your base and talk to your base scientist to get their quest/task.

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Make sure you select the scientific research quest, and you can have it once you talk to your base scientist.

After talking to your scientist, they will give you the blueprint for acid and lubricant. Then after talking to them again, they will give you a side mission that will have you collect cobalt and marrow bulbs in exchange. They will also give you the blueprint for the large refiner.

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If you’ve already talked to your scientist before, then you might not need to talk to them as you might already have the mission or have already completed the mission for the large refiner.

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