In this guide, you will find how to increase your CS as much as possible in Tower of Fantasy. You will also learn about the gears, matrices, and stars of the weapon and how they help you to increase the CS.Â
Gear is really important for your CS because it gives you a lot of stats that will boost your CS. Advancements are the stars, and each star will boost one statistic.
You have to look at the stats that are in the gear piece and which one deals the great damage. Attack stats also boost up your gear and also increase with the tax stats. For example, if you are in a flame tema, you will find the gear that will boost your flame attacks. It would be great if you have the piece which can do the physical attack.Â
You can also boost your gear by Bygone Phantasm. It is because the Bygone Phantasm gives you what you want. You will need booster modules to increase the gear.Â
When you see the update in bygone phantasm, you can skip levels in increments of ten. For example, you are at a hundred and you are playing with bygone phantasm, your CS has a good amount, then you can actually jump. It will recommend you to jump due to your CS and it is really beneficial for you. It will allow you to get through bygone quicker and get higher ranks. The weekly rewards are also good for you. The update begins when the Vera is launched. It will allow you to get good weekly rewards and eventually you will get them every week. Play with the bygine and skip as many as levels you can and get the booster modules. It will allow you to increase your gear.Â
If you want to unlock the hard mode, you just need to play the normal mode of any raid. When you play hard mode every week, you can get more crystal fragments.
Eventually, when you get the end game, it will allow you to cater the more stats you want. It is because you have the access to the elemental stats and these stats are meant to get the gears, which are very optimal and good for your play.
You can also increase the stars on your characters as well as metricizes. If you don’t have many stars, then it won’t affect you. The main thing you need to do here is to maintain your metricizes.
It doesn’t matter if you have standard characters or you have limited characters, you can also upgrade the metricizes. For example, if the character has two stars then it means that the character has two enhancements. You can still get high CS, even with the purple metricizes.Â
If you want to know how you can pull more stars on the characters, you have to save up your gold tokens and gradually get more stars on your character as you play the game.Â