“Starfield.exe Auto-Backup (SFSE)” is available for PC gamers who are utilising mods with the Steam version of the game and the Starfield Script Extender (SFSE). It automatically saves various versions of the Starfield.exe file, enabling users to roll back unintended Steam updates and maintain mod compatibility.
To install the Starfield.exe Auto-Backup mod in Starfield, follow these simple steps:
- First of all, download and install the Starfield Script Extender (SFSE) tool.
- Now, download the Starfield.exe Auto-Backup mod from the Nexus site. (You might need to create an account if you don’t have one).
- After downloading the mod file, you’ll need to extract the contents of the RAR file into the Starfield game directory.
Starfield location:
Local Disk (C:) > Users > Documents > My Games > Starfield
Starfield location (Steam):
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starfield\
Note: You’ll have to overwrite the files in case of any duplicate files.
- Specifically, ensure that the DLL file goes into the following directory of the Starfield game:
(game root)/Data/SFSE/Plugins.
After manual extraction, run the game using “sfse_loader.exe” to ensure the mod functions correctly. This executable is part of the Starfield Script Extender (SFSE).
Alternatively, you can also auto-install the mod by using Vortex mod manager.
That’s it! Your mod is now installed. You can try it out by launching the game.