How to Install Tesla-Menu on Nintendo Switch

This guide will tell you how to install Tesla-Menu on Nintendo Switch. 


1- First, you’ll need atmosphere custom firmware. Now take your SD card from the Switch and put it into your PC. Then click on the following link as it will take you to the official site of Github. Once you reach this site, go under Assets and click on the first link to download NX-OVloader.

2- Once the download completes, drag the Atmosphere folder from the file you just downloaded, drop it into the SD card, and then merge it with your atmosphere folder.

Tesla Menu

1- Now click on the following link, and it will take you to the Tesla menu page on Github. Then click on to download it under Assets, and once the download completes, open it up.

2- Once the download completes, drag the switch folder from the downloaded file, drop it into the SD card, and then merge it with your atmosphere folder.

3- After that, click on the link:, and it will take you to the download page of ovl Sys modules on the Github site. You need to click on the first link under the Assets. 

4- Once the download completes, open your SD card drive, go into the switch folder and open the .overlay folder. After that, paste the file in this location that you just downloaded.

After that, right-click on your SD card drive and select Eject from the drop-down menu. Then boot up the atmosphere; the hotkey to open tesla is l, d-pad down, and the right stick button. Then the tesla menu will appear in front of you.