How to Max Rock Climbing Skill Cheat – The Sims 4

In this brief guide, I will provide instructions on how to quickly maximize the rock climbing skills of your sims using cheats in The Sims 4.

Step 1: Start by pressing the “CTRL + Shift + C” keys simultaneously on your keyboard. This will open the cheat box, where you can input cheat commands to level up your skills.

Step 2: Within the cheat box, type in “testingcheats true” and press enter. Enabling this cheat will grant you access to additional cheat commands.

Step 3: Now, it’s time to boost your sim’s rock climbing skills to the maximum level. Enter the command “stats.set_skill_level major_rockclimbing 10” in the cheat box and press enter. The number ’10’ at the end of the cheat represents the desired level of the rock climbing skill.