How to pay Tributes in Age of Empires 2 DE

In this ultimate guide, you will learn how to pay Tribute in Age of Empires 2 DE. By following the steps mentioned below, you will be able to enhance your in-game experience to pay tributes in the game.

  • Before starting a game, check the lock teams option. If you turn this on, you can only share resources with your ally or receive resources from them.
  • You can’t give resources to your enemies. If you turn off lock teams, everyone can give resources to anyone, whether they’re allies, neutral, or enemies.
    This lets you change an enemy to neutral or even make them your ally by giving them enough resources.
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  • In the editor mode, go to the diplomacy section to turn lock teams on or off. Here, you can also set how players interact.
  • For the best trading experience, it’s recommended to turn off lock teams.
    Now, you’re ready to begin the game. In the early game, like the Dark Age, you can’t send tributes unless you have a market.
  • In a special scenario, check the diplomacy menu in the top right corner.
    It will tell you that you need a market before sending tributes.
  • Markets are only available in the Feudal Age, so you need to advance to that age first.
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  • When you reach the Feudal Age, build a market. Now, open the diplomacy menu to send tributes.
  • Click on the resources you want to send. Each click adds 100 resources. If you press shift while clicking, it adds 500 resources.
  • Press ctrl if you want to give all your resources to your ally.
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  • Remember, there’s a 30 tribute tax in the Feudal Age. So, if you want to give 1000 resources to another player, you’ll have to pay 1300 resources in total.
  • Be cautious when sending tributes, especially at the beginning of the game. Click Confirm to send the tributes.
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  • In the Castle Age, you can research coinage, which reduces the tribute tax from 30 to 20. So, sending 100 tributes will cost 120 resources instead of 130 after this upgrade.
  • If you want to get rid of the tribute tax completely, advance to the Imperial Age and research banking at the market.
    This allows you to send tributes without any fees.
  • When lock teams are disabled, and you want to change an enemy to an ally, set the diplomacy status to ally and send them some resources.
  • How they react or how much you need to send depends on many factors, like their strength compared to yours and their available resources. Sometimes, they might not react at all, which means you’ve just made the enemy stronger.
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  • If they do react, it might take some time, and they might tell you which resources they want to change the diplomacy status.
  • Send them the required resources, and they should change their diplomacy to neutral or ally.
  • However, there’s no guarantee, especially in scripted scenarios or multiplayer matches. You might get tricked or receive unexpected reactions.
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  • If you want a new ally, try sending an ally message to your enemy first.
    You can find this in the chat menu.
  • If that doesn’t work, sending them resources might help. If there’s still no response, they probably don’t want to be your ally.
  • In campaigns, sometimes you get something in return for your tributes. For instance, in the Nightfalls mission from the Vlad Dracula campaign, you automatically get Conde Tierro for 60 gold.