How to Pick up a Downed Opponent in WWE 2k23 (Xbox, Playstation, PC)

This guide helps to pick up a Downed Opponent in WWE 2k23 on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC most easily and quickly. You must follow each step mentioned in the guide to complete the task.

Xbox and PlayStation Controllers:

If you’re playing WWE 2K23 on Xbox or PlayStation, follow these simple steps to lift your fallen adversary back onto their feet:

  1. Locate the right stick on your controller.
  2. Press the right stick upward to initiate the pick-up action.
  3. Your character will then hoist the downed opponent upright, preparing for the next move in your wrestling strategy.

PC Controls:

For those playing WWE 2K23 on a PC, the process of picking up a downed opponent differs slightly. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Identify the left control key on your keyboard.
  2. Simultaneously press the left control key and the key”I” to trigger the pick-up maneuver.
  3. As you execute this action, your in-game persona will promptly raise the fallen adversary, ready to resume the intense wrestling showdown.
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This guide has taught you the simplest method to pick up a Downed Opponent in WWE 2k23 in the most convenient way, which requires no time to execute the process.