How to Plant, Fertilize, Water, And Harvest In Undawn

This guide will let you know how to plant, fertilize, water, and harvest in Undawn. It is a complete farming guide that will provide you with everything you need to know about farming.

Unlock Farming

In this section, we will take you through the steps to unlock farming in Undawn.

  • The first thing you will need to do is to visit your homestead and find the “Homestead sign” located outside.
  • To unlock the farming feature, you need to interact with the Homestead sign and level up your homestead three times.
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Plant seeds and harvest

This section describes how to plant seeds after unlocking the farming feature. By following the steps below, you will be able to plant seeds, fertilize them and harvest the crops.

After unlocking farming, you will find the farm area on the left side of your homestead.

  • Head to the farm area within your homestead and clear these slots to begin farming.

You will notice several slots of land where you can grow crops or perform farming tasks. Initially, you will have four slots available for farming on the farm. As your level up your homestead, you will have the opportunity to unlock additional farming slots.

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  • After cleaning all the slots, move to the entrance of the farm area and press the Interact button to open the interface.
  • Once the farm interface is open, choose the seeds you want to plant.
  • If you don’t already have seeds or if you want to buy additional seeds, click on the “Shop” icon. This will take you to a store where you can purchase seeds.
  • After that, select the seed and checkmark the Auto-Select Farmland checkbox at the bottom left corner of the screen.
    It will plant all of the seeds in the slot.
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  • After planting the seeds, you need to water the ground behind the seeds.
  • Navigate to the fertilizer tab in the farm interface and checkmark the Auto-Select Farmland checkbox.
  • After that, click on the “Fertilize” button.
    This will apply the selected fertilizer to the designated slots
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You can buy fertilizer from the supply shop.

  • After planting your seeds and applying fertilizer, wait for the crops to grow.
  • To ensure optimal crop growth, make sure to use the fertilizer regularly.
  • Once the required time for crop growth has passed, go back to your farm and harvest the crops.
    You can repeat the entire farming process to harvest more.