How to RESPAWN your dead teammates in Blood Hunt

This guide will help you to respawn your dead teammates in Blood Hunt. Just follow the steps below to respawn your dead teammates in squad mode.

First, while you spawn in squad mode and look at the minimap, you will recognize these white circles with the cross inside: the respawn points.

In the game, they look like blue, glowing transparent masses floating above the ground. There are many of them all over the map in different locations, and they can only be used once. So when you respawn a teammate, the blue mass will disappear, and the circle on the map will also be gone.

When one of your teammates is down and finished, you can go to the respawn point and interact with it. It takes a while to process the respawn, so ensure no enemies are around.

Shortly after finishing the interaction with the respawn point, your lost teammate will appear again with full health, ready for the next fight. While dying, he will lose all his items and weapons and have to arm themselves again. This procedure is the same in every other battle royale game.