How to Setup Among Us Discord Overlay

This guide will tell you how to set up Among Us Discord Overlay.

First, you will need to open Among Us on the first tab, and then open Discord on the second tab.

Go to the bottom left of your Discord window and click on the user settings icon. From there, go down to the game activity button and click on it. You will find Among Us as a registered game at the very top of this option and a monitor icon next to it. It has a cross on it and also the overlay is off.

Now click on that monitor, the red line will remove from it and the overlay will turn on.

You have to wait for a moment and the discord will recognize the Among Us.

There is another additional step, you have to go to the keybinds button, click on it and then click on Add a Key bin. After that, tap on the Action tab and set the toggle mute option. Then go to the keybind tab next to it and enter the key you want to bind and then click stop recording. Click on save.

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