How to Stay Warm In LEGO Fortnite

This guide will let you know how to stay warm in Lego Fortnite. First, you have to check out the temperature gauge, and then try the different steps mentioned below to stay warm.

  • Keep an eye on the temperature gauge at the top left. Blue is cold, and red is hot. You have to stay in the middle.

How to Stay Warm

  • Firstly, you need to avoid rain in rainy places as it can make you colder. Stay Away from Snowy Areas as they are chilly and make you cold.
  • After that, build a campfire using three pieces of wood.
    It’ll warm you up fast.
  • Stay Under a Roof, buildings, and shelters keep you warm. Similarly, carrying a torch will keep you cozy.
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  • If you’re new, build a campfire. It’s easy as just it requires three pieces of wood.
    Standing next to it warms you up quickly.
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Improve Your Gear

  • As you get better in the game, check out the equipment section in the game’s store and look for charms that help against the cold.
  • When you get these items, keep them in your inventory.
    They’ll make you better at handling the cold. For example, an inner fire charm can make you warmer even in freezing places.
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