How to Stop Echoing on PS5

In this guide, you will find out how to stop Echoing on PS5. Go through the guide and you will be able to fix and adjust mic sound and static.

The first thing you will need to do is to press the Playstation button to open the dashboard, and then go to the microphone option. Make sure that your mic is selected and then select Adjust Mic Level.

On the adjust mic level page, you have to make sure that the microphone level is not much low. You need to set this to above the center. You have to set this to above 80%.

After this, go to the sound options in the dashboard and adjust the headphone level. You need to make sure that the headphone level is at 80% and then adjust the voice chat balance. You have to adjust this according to your choice at which balance you can hear clearly.

After this, go to party chat settings, and allow the Share Your Voice option.