How to Store Items in Ship Inventory in Starfield

This guide will provide you with the most convenient method to store items in ship inventory in Starfield. Go through the guide and follow all the steps carefully to do so.

  • When you see the option to transfer items between your inventory and the cargo hold, make sure you’re in the piloting station or cockpit of your ship.
  • If you’re seated in the piloting station, stand up by using the appropriate keys.
    This will allow you to move freely inside your ship.
  • Press the I key on your keyboard or use the designated controller button to open your inventory.
    This action should bring up your inventory screen, displaying all your items.
  • Within your inventory screen, look for a section labeled Cargo Hold.
    This is where items that can be stored in your ship’s cargo hold will be displayed.
  • Navigate through your inventory to find the items you want to transfer to or from the cargo hold.
    This can typically be done using the directional keys or joystick on your controller.
  • Once you’ve selected the items you wish to transfer, there should be an option to move them between your inventory and the cargo hold. This may involve pressing a specific key, such as Enter, or a controller button designated for confirmation.
  • Confirm the transfer when prompted to move the selected items to or from the cargo hold.
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  • While on your ship, press the designated key to open your inventory.
  • Inside your ship’s inventory, locate the item you want to transfer between your ship and your inventory.
  • Highlight the item you want to transfer.
    This can typically be done using the directional keys or the joystick on your controller.
  • When you’ve selected the item, an option should appear at the bottom of the screen, indicating whether you want to Store or Transfer the item.
  • Confirm the transfer by pressing the appropriate button e.g., the E key on your keyboard or a controller button designated for confirmation.
    This action will move the item between your ship’s inventory and your inventory.
  • After the transfer is complete, you can review both your ship’s inventory and your inventory to ensure that the item has been successfully moved.
  • If you want to transfer additional items, repeat the process by selecting and transferring them between the ship and inventory as desired.
  • To confirm that the item has been stored in your ship’s inventory, navigate to the ship inventory and check if the item is present there.
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