How to Tame A Gecko in Smalland

Smalland is a miniature adventure in a huge world where you can tame tiny creatures and craft powerful armour. Playing this game will be an enjoyable experience for all of the players. This guide will let you know how you can tame a Gecko in Smalland

Taming A Gecko

You need to defeat the Rhino Beetle. After beating it, go back to a lady, who will provide you with a Gecko treat called Cauldron, you have to construct it. Constructing it is very simple, all you need to have are the bee heads, ant heads, a bit of seed oil, and a few treadles. You can discover this stuff very easily. Once you gather all this stuff in your inventory, you have to move toward the Gecko and give him some kicks and punches to tame it.

Sometimes it happens that any Gecko resists a lot. In this situation, you don’t need to be worried, just leave him and move forward to find another one which is comparatively easy to be tamed. Climb your previous ride and go look for another Gecko. When you find the right one, you need to slam it. But remember, you have to free your last mount if you want to tame and have another tiny creature tamed. But a Gecko is not good to go with since it seems that they work great only when it comes to protecting you.

Gecko In A Fight

Gecko works great as a guard dog when you jump into a fight against your prime enemies. This is the best purpose for you should use them. For instance, undertaking a spider. Riding a Gecko, remember that you may these are a slower creature and you can easily get off them anytime. Suppose, you found another Gecko in your way, attack him once, stay aside, and see what your Gecko does. Your Gecko will try its best to protect you efficiently. There can be a huge fight between both the Geckos. You may help yours if you want to. The Geckos are not that powerful therefore, can be easily vanished away. When it is to agility, most players prefer the Grasshopper due to its quick mobility. So, many players don’t like to use the Gecko for a long time.