Set on the supernatural island of Aeternum, New World is an exciting, open-world MMO that brings players worldwide to compete to carve their destiny and fate. The levelling up in stats and rewards plays a prominent role during the game. Camps are one of those items which can be levelled up and provide numerous benefits. This short walkthrough will outline the steps needed to get to Camp Tier 2. Let’s jump in!
Minimum Level Required
Players must be at Level 15 or higher to unlock Camp Tier 2. It can be checked by opening up your Character Menu and, on the bottom left, clicking on Leveling Rewards.
Toggling through the different rewards at various levels, at Level 15, players can see the Survivalist Quest (Camp Tier Upgrade).
Hovering the cursor over this reward will show that players need to complete a quest called “Survivalist: Friends in Fashion” to unlock the Camp Tier 2 upgrade. Players have to complete the quest to get the camping upgrade.
Friends in Fashion
Players should head to Monarch’s Bluffs to get this quest. Once players get to this settlement, they should meet Bercina Thornton. She’ll be sitting on a makeshift chair beside the stairs. Talking to her will unlock the “Friends in Fashion” survivalist quest.
This quest involves collecting pieces of ancient textiles from skeletons at Antares and Acherner and getting them to Survivalist Lee in Everfall. Looking to gather allies, Survivalist Lee has a soft spot for fashion and clothes. Bercina Thornton tells us that’s the way to winning his friendship.
It is a Level 17 quest, and parts will be challenging and require concentration. Completing this quest will unlock the Camp Tier 2 upgrade automatically. After this quest, whenever the player lays down a camp, it will always be Tier 2 unless you complete further Camp upgrade quests.
Camp Tier 2
Unlocking Camp Tier 2 opens up new recipes and items that were previously unavailable. For example, the biggest benefit apart from a much bigger camp is the ability to craft Travel Ration.
The Travel Ration recovers 60 health per second for 20 seconds. If you’re attacked, the recovery stops; afterwards, the ratio will help you recover 1% of your health every 2.5 seconds for 20 minutes.
This vital piece of regeneration food is essential for your gameplay and allows players to heal quickly. Plus, considering it’s an MMO, it’s critical that players can regenerate health easily.
Camp Tier 2 will unlock recipes and items essential to a player’s playthrough and boost your offensive and defensive capabilities.
There are 3 more Camping Upgrades, but they require higher and higher levels, and players will mostly unlock them in the game’s later stages. The next Camping Upgrade will unlock at Level 25, Level 40, and Level 55.
That’s all from this mini-walkthrough. Remember to speak to Bercina Thornton to unlock the quest.