How to Upgrade Crash Bandicoot 4 PS4 to PS5

This guide will tell you how to Upgrade Crash Bandicoot 4 PS4 to PS5.

1- First, you have to put your game disc into PS5 and the game page will pop up in front of you. You will find the free PS5 upgrade on the right side of the screen of your screen. If the PS 5 does not appear, then you have to go to the PS store and choose the latest tab in your PS. There, you will find the upgrade.

If this upgrade option does not appear on your screen, then you have to go to the View Product page, and you will find the free upgrade for Crash Bandicoot 4. If you still do not find this option, then you have to click on the three dots to see the version of the game. It is most likely that you already have installed the upgrade.

2- The second method to do this is by going to the installed game page or to the PS play store. On these pages, you will find the free PS5 upgrade on the right side of your screen. If this upgrade option does not appear on your screen, you have to go to the view product page, and you will find the free upgrade for Crash Bandicoot 4.