How to Upgrade From Nobara 36 to 37

In this guide, you will find out how to upgrade From Nobara 36 to 37.

1- First, you need to remove your NVidia drivers to Upgrade From Nobara 36 to 37. For this, open the Terminal and enter the following command:

sudo dnf remove nvidia* cuda* nsight* xorg-xll-drv-nvidia* gds-tools sudo dnf module reset nvidia-driver

2- Once it is done, enter the following command:

sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=37
sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

It will ask you to enter the password of your mac, you need to enter “Y” to continue the process.

3- It will take time because it does have to read certain things from reposting, it’s reading pretty quickly but the way this version of dnf does it, it’s kind of slow. The new version of DNF will be much quicker.

4- The reason you remove the Nvidia drivers before your update is to reduce the number of issues, and once you’re done, it will prompt you to automatically reinstall the driver’s Window. Every time it Asks for your permission press “Y” to allow it.

5- Once this is done you will be updated to Nobara 37, and it will ask you for the installation of the driver. For this, click on Yes as it’s going to grab any updates it needs, then it’s going to do the driver installation once that’s done reboot your System.