In this guide, you’ll discover everything you need to know about effectively utilizing Mimikyu in Pokemon Unite. From mastering its abilities to gaining valuable insights into its gameplay mechanics, this guide provides invaluable tips and tricks to maximize Mimikyu’s potential on the battlefield.
Skills & abilities
The passive ability of Mimikyu is called “Disguise” which allows him to ignore 5% damage within 0.5 seconds of the remaining HP. His movement speed will be increased by 10% when an enemy deals damage and he will be able to deal 10% more damage on that enemy. When you knock out any enemy, the cooldown time of this ability will decrease by 20%.
The Astonish move is a basic one that deals a decent amount of damage. The Scratch move decreases the movement speed of the enemy by 20% for 2 seconds.

1. Trick Room & Shadow Claw
If you use a basic attack with Shadow Claw, it will decrease the cooldown time and slap the enemy four additional times. Just use the basic attack and then Shadow Claw to deal an unlimited amount of damage. It also decreases the movement speed of the enemy by 20% for 1.5 seconds. You can stack it up to three times. At level 11, Shadow Claw deals 10% extra damage.

2. Trick Room
The Trick Room opens a dance floor-type platform where Mimikyu can teleport himself. It will boost all his attacks. If an enemy attacks him from outside this platform, he will get 30% less damage. If an enemy debuffs Mimikyu, it will buff his abilities instead of debuffing.
At level 13, its cooldown time decreased by 2 seconds. To apply it, you first have to go close to the enemy and open the Trick Room, then use your basic attack and Shadow Claw. After that, teleport, and use basic attack again, then Shadow Claw.

3. Play Rough & Shadow Sneak
The Play Rough move allows Mimikyu to stick to the enemy to attack them. It also dashes him in the direction of your joystick. This move decreases the movement speed of enemies by 20% for one second. At level 11, Play Rough increases his movement speed by 20% for three seconds.
You need to activate the Shadow Sneak move in three seconds to deal damage. If an enemy has low HP, then it will deal even more damage. If you knock out an enemy using this, then it will reset and heal your HP. You can use it even on wild Pokemon. When you use it from a bush or near the wall, its range will increase. So you can use it to attack the enemies far away.

Unite Move
The Unite Move provides a lot of damage to the enemies. It increases the movement speed by 30%, cooldown reduction by 30%, and shield of max HP by 20%.
Build & emblem
The best build for Mimikyu is attack with Razor Claw and muscle band.
The HP and attack emblem works best for Mimikyu. The six-white and six-brown color combination is the best one. You can add two blue and two purple to this combination.