INAZUMA Theater Mechanicus Day 3 Guide – Genshin Impact

In this guide, I will share with you how to get a max score for Day 3 Theater Mechanicus for the event Hues of the Violet Garden, for both shows of Force and entering the Horde difficulty mode.

Show of Force

Pick Physical orange and gray sticks, all Tandem Mine sticks.

Before starting the wave, replace the prebuilt Pyro tower on the left with a Tandem mine.

Remove the prebuilt Pyro tower on the right.

Remove the tandem mine in the middle of the right lane.

Place 2 tandem mines on the right side of the right lane.

Have 3 physical towers into a row by removing one of the prebuilt physical towers.

Place 2 more tandem mines on the left side of the left lane.

You can now AFK and wait until the challenge ends.

Enter the Horde

Pick Hydro blue stick, all Pyro sticks, all Tandem mine sticks, and Mystic stick No.2.

Have at least one Hydro catalyst character on your team (e.g. Barbara, Mona, Kokomi) for vaporizing reactions.

Before starting the wave, remove all 3 towers in front of us (2 Pyro towers, and 1 Tandem mine).

Remove the tandem mine in the middle of the right lane.

Place 2 tandem mines on the right side of the right lane.

Place 1 Pyro and 1 Hydro tower on the left side of the right lane.

Remove both physical towers in the middle.

Place 1 Pyro and 1 Cryo tower instead.

Place 2 tandem mines on the left side of the left lane.

Place 1 Pyro and 1 Hydro tower on the right side of the left lane.

The left lane and right lane should be asymmetrical.

You can now AFK until the remaining enemy counter reaches 24.

Follow the ruin grader and make it wet all the time by applying Hydro so that the will receive more damage from the Pyro towers.

After defeating the first ruin grader, AFK until the remaining enemy counter reaches 4.

Follow the ruin grader and make it wet all the time by applying Hydro so that he will receive more damage from the Pyro towers.