In this guide, you’ll learn how to build the item sorting system in Minecraft.
Item List
You’d need the following items.
22 Hoppers
24 Chest
11 Comparator
1 Dropper
1 Sticky Piston
2 Observers
1 Packed Ice
1 Button
2 Water
12 Glass
96 Blocks
32 Redstone
1 Soul Sand
10 Target Blocks
10 Redstone Torches
Follow the steps below to build the item sorting system in Minecraft:
Step 1: Dig a hole and place a dropper facing up.
Step 2: Mine another hole and connect a hopper to this dropper.
Step 3: Dig a 3×3 area.
Step 4: Place a comparator facing this way.
Step 5: Place a sticky piston.
Step 6: Dig this block.
Step 7: Place an observer facing this way.
Step 8: Place another observer facing this way.
Step 9: The observers should face like this.
Step 10: Place 2 Redstone right here.
Step 11: Fill up with dirt.
Step 12: Place a chest on top of this hopper.
Step 13: Now make a 3-block high wall around the dropper.
Step 14: Place 2 glass blocks above the chest so you can still open it.
Step 15: Place soul sand on this dropper.
Step 16: Place 2 water right here, you should see bubbles after.
Step 17: Go down and place 10 chests right here.
Step 18: Go to the back and connect hoppers to these chests.
Step 19: Now, dig 3 blocks like this.
Step 20: Place a row of target blocks in the middle row.
Step 21: Go to the hopper side and connect Redstone torches to the target blocks.
Step 22: Place solid blocks on top of the Redstone torches.
Step 23: Place comparators facing this way.
Step 24: Connect hoppers to the comparators.
Step 25: Place Redstone dust.
Step 26: Place glass blocks right here.
Step 27: Place Redstone dust on top of the glass.
Step 28: Place solid blocks right here.
Step 29: I can now going to show you how you can expand this storage.
Step 30: Skip one block, and repeat the chests we previously did.
Step 31: If you forgot how to make it simply go back to (02:04) Minutes.
Step 32: It should look like this once done.
Step 33: Let’s add our unsorted chest.
Step 34: Place a chest right here and a hopper connected to this chest.
Step 35: Make a wall around our hoppers.
Step 36: Place packed ice between the gap.
Step 37: Place a button on the side of the stone.
Step 38: Place blocks right here.
Step 39: This is important otherwise the items will not flow properly.
Step 40: Break this block.
Step 41: Place water right here. (important)
Step 42: Place another water bucket right here.
Step 43: Now rename some stackable items and give them a unique name.
Step 44: We now need to place one in every slot except for the first slot.
Step 45: Do this for every hopper except the last (unsorted chest) one.
Step 46: Once done you should have items in every hopper like this.
Step 47: Now get the items you want to sort.
Step 48: Make sure you have at least one stack per item.
Step 49: Put a stack in every hopper.
Step 50: Once done you should have 22 items in every chest.
Step 51: And 41 items in the first slot.
Step 52: Let’s decorate our sorting system.
Step 53: Keep in mind you need to use stairs otherwise you can’t open your chests.
Step 54: You can place item frames on the stair like this.
Step 55: Once you are done with decorating we can test our farm.
Step 56: Keep in mind you can only sort stackable items.
Step 57: If you put unsackable items in the chest they will sort in the unsorted chest.
Step 58: Let’s now test our sorting system.
Step 59: Put all the items you want to sort in the chest.
Step 60: They will all spit out and go into the right chest.
Step 61: As you can see the chest is empty.
Step 62: Let’s see if everything is sorted correctly.
Step 63: As you can see everything went in the right chest.
Step 64: Even the unsorted chest worked!